Martin Meyerson
President (1970-1981)
Born 1922 in New York, New York
Died 2007 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
B.A., Columbia University, 1942
Master of City Planning, Harvard University, 1949
Hon. LL.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1970
Staff, Philadelphia City Planning Commission, 1944-1945
Assistant Professor in the College and Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Chicago, 1948-1952
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Fine Arts, University of Pennsylvania, 1952-1956
Professor of City and Regional Planning, Graduate School of Fine Arts, University of Pennsylvania, 1956-1957
Professor of City Planning and Urban Research, Harvard University, 1957-1963
Acting Dean, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, 1963
Professor of Urban Development and Dean, College of Environmental Design, University of California at Berkeley, 1963-1966
Acting Chancellor, University of California at Berkeley, 1965
President and Professor of Public Policy, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1966-1970
Author (with E.C. Banfield), Politics, Planning and the Public Interest (1955)
Author, Housing, People and Cities (1962)
Author, Face of the Metropolis (1963)
Author, Boston: The Job Ahead (1966)
Director, MIT-Harvard Joint Center for Urban Studies, 1959-1963
President Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania, 1981 to the present

University history during the Meyerson administration
1972 |
Penn formally adopted an affirmative action program for women and minorities. |
1972 |
John Robert Schrieffer, Professor of Physics, awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. He was Penn's first current faculty member to win a Nobel. |
1974 |
The School of Arts and Sciences established by the merger of the College, the College of Liberal Arts, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and the faculty of four social science departments – Economics, Political Science, Regional Science, and Sociology – formerly within the Wharton School. |
1975 |
Program for the Eighties launched. |
Penn Presidents
Biographical sketches of Penn Presidents (including Interim Presidents) and historically significant aspects of University history during each administration.