Portrait of Provost  John L. Jackson, Jr.

John L. Jackson, Jr., Ph.D., Provost

University Deans

Sarah Banet Weiser portrait

Sarah Banet-Weiser

Ph.D., Walter H. Annenberg Dean

Annenberg School for Communication
200 Annenberg/6220

Jonathan A. Epstein

Jonathan A. Epstein

Executive Vice President of the University for the Health System + Dean of the Perelman School of Medicine

Penn Medicine
3400 Civic Center Boulevard / 5162

Potrait of Andrew Hoffman, Dean School of Veterinary Medicine

Andrew Hoffman

D.V.M., D.V.Sc., Gilbert S. Kahn Dean of Veterinary Medicine

School of Veterinary Medicine
3800 Spruce Street
110 Rosenthal/6044

Portrait of Erica James, Dean Wharton School

Erika James

Ph.D., Dean

Wharton School
1000 Steinberg Hall - Dietrich Hall/6364


Jeffrey Kallberg, Interim Dean School of Arts and Sciences

Jeffrey Kallberg

Ph.D., Interim Dean

School of Arts and Sciences
1 College Hall, Rm 116/6377


Portrait of Vijay Kumar, Dean School of Engineering and Applied Science

Vijay Kumar

Ph.D., Nemirovsky Family Dean

School of Engineering and Applied Science
107 Towne Building/6391

Sophia Z. Lee

Sophia Z. Lee

J.D., M.S.W., Ph.D., Dean

Penn Carey Law School
3400 Chestnut Street/6204

Portrait of Frederick-Steiner, Dean Stuart Weitzman School of Design

Frederick R. Steiner

Ph.D., M.A., M.R.P., Dean

Stuart Weitzman School of Design
102 Meyerson Hall/6311

Portrait of Antonia Villarruel, Dean Penn Nursing

Antonia Villarruel

Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N., Margaret Bond Simon Dean of Nursing

School of Nursing
Claire M. Fagin Hall
418 Curie Boulevard
Claudia S. Heyman Dean's Suite/4217

Portrait of Mark S. Wolff, Dean School of Dental Medicine

Mark S. Wolff

DDS, Ph.D., Morton Amsterdam Dean

School of Dental Medicine
240 S. 40th Street/6003