In Principle and Practice: Penn’s Focus on Tomorrow
A strategic framework for the University.
A strategic framework for the University.
The Plan focuses on three action areas: Safety and Security, Engagement, and Education. The University will also address other forms of hate, including Islamophobia.
With a goal of better supporting a Penn community that leads with care and compassion, the Presidential Commission addresses the interconnectedness of antisemitism, Islamophobia, and other forms of hate, discrimination, and bias on campus.
Intended to strengthen Penn's commitment to innovation, the President’s Innovation Prize(link is external) will provide a graduating Penn senior, or team of graduating seniors, $100,000 (plus a $50,000 living stipend per team member) to envision and implement an innovative, commercial venture that makes a positive difference in the world.
Intended to strengthen Penn's commitment to impactful global, national, and local student engagement, the President’s Engagement Prizes(link is external) will provide recipients with up to $150,000 ($50,000 for living expenses for each student recipient, plus up to $100,000 for project implementation expenses) to develop and implement a promising local, national, or global engagement project during the year after graduation.